OK, this is probably tangential to the book I should be writing on right now (20 pages to go until Sunday. Argh!), but it _is_ Dojo.
Twitter is more like a kind of weather than a service. It goes well at times, and at times it does not. Many times I wish I just could search through old tweets, or sort them quickly in some ways not intended by twitter.
I've actually thought; why not use Gears to store all twits and then just use a Dojo Grid to show them. Separating download and presentation in a perceivable way could actually be a feature of a twitter client.
Most probably someone has already done this and much better than I, but anyway, I've actually made it work .. sort of :)
So if anyone know if this has already been done, please mail me or comment here. Once the stuff is in the google gears store I thought I'd add a MIT Simile timeline to splunk it up a bit as well.
I'm looking forward to the new auhtentication sutff, though.