Conferences come in groups

I'm trying to find time each day to finish my presentation for AjaxWorld, which I'll present the 20th this month in San José. I've got permission from Kris Zyp from Sitepen and Ganesh Prasad of SOFEA fame to loan their pictures for various slides, so there's hope that I'll have something more than text in it!

The title of the presentation is "Practical Thin Server Architecture with Dojo" and I hope to live up to the title, even though I won't be doing more than talk and dance.

I spoke to Leslie hawthorn at Google when I visited the Open Source Offices (and got a spanking nice T-shirt :) this summer about doing a tech talk (apparently called 'Google MTV' internally) on the subject of Thin Server Architecture, which I just got confirmed. It's the 24th October in the middle of the raging Summer of Code unconference (which I'll also hopefully attend).

That's two talks of the same kind the same week, which is OK. But what happened two weeks ago was that I got a mail from Mattias Schertell at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (A technical unversity in Southern Sweden) which wondered if I could do a day of workshops and talks around the subjects (TSA and Dojo), which I accepted, and I'll fly there Tuesday next week. I have to remake a couple of exercises I've been writing a while ago this weekend, to get them up to Dojo 1.2 speed. Mental not to self and all that.

Then a friend asked if I couldn't speak at a Swedish conference (on Ajax, et.c.) also next week, the 16th, which I could, so that's another engagement right there. There's another conference by the same organization in early 2009 as well, so...

Anyway, completely unconnected comes an email from Pedro, a Portuguese organizer for the codebits 2008 conference in November this year which also invites me to speak, and how can I say no to that!

So all in all it seems that my future is filled with glaring lights, repetitions and pointed questions :)

On the plus side, my next chapter to be rewritten in response to proofreading for the book is due as far out as October 19, which feel really far off at the moment. I've managed to do some coding on World Change Network, but still hope to get the new menu working properly and to have the CRUD tables skinned to spec.

While evaluating WaveMaker 4 for my client, I tried to create a custom component that wrapped dojox.charting which I managed (with some help from WM personell - thx!) to accept complex json objects as data series input and switch both chart type and color theme on the fly. Pretty neat actually, and not so hard as I thought. It's open source as well, so mail me if you want it!



pims said…
Congratulations Peter ! That's terrific news. Hopefully one of these speeches will be recorded, so we will all enjoy your TSA workshops :) (Don't forget to put the slides online as well !!! ;)