Since being nearly there with the exporting to joomla business, I've of course been sidetracked by the sweet lure of making facebook applications.
I've done a couple of fairly simple, but quite workable ones. One interesting thing looking closer at facebook, is that they _do_ actually allow javascript in their pages. They just restrict it heavily.
One idea I have in May was to make facebook a target for the composer (or what I might end up calling it), but dropped it due to js being unsupported. Now, however, I might be able to.
Even though the composer needs shortsloads of js to get up and running, it doesn't necessarily mean that its output has to. I'll sleep on that a bit.
But then there's William Gibson's new "Spook Country" which is just brilliant. Must have. trust me.
I didn't like the earlier later ones, really. Only Pattern Recognition, and so-so at that. But Spook Country is very much just that :)
I've done a couple of fairly simple, but quite workable ones. One interesting thing looking closer at facebook, is that they _do_ actually allow javascript in their pages. They just restrict it heavily.
One idea I have in May was to make facebook a target for the composer (or what I might end up calling it), but dropped it due to js being unsupported. Now, however, I might be able to.
Even though the composer needs shortsloads of js to get up and running, it doesn't necessarily mean that its output has to. I'll sleep on that a bit.
But then there's William Gibson's new "Spook Country" which is just brilliant. Must have. trust me.
I didn't like the earlier later ones, really. Only Pattern Recognition, and so-so at that. But Spook Country is very much just that :)