One good way to measure the usability of the tools you make is to observe whether you're using them yourself or not, and if so, how much. I had an idea to make a small javascript-based game, possibly using facebook as userbase, either as an app or from the outside...
So, I started to make a small blueprint in the composer and tried out the new editor, and it does work. However, I found one thing annoying, and that was that I haven't the foggiest idea how to *reload* a component, when I've added it to the framework. Possibly this might be easy, I haven't a clue, but at the moment I have to reload the entire composer each time I change the code after I've tried it. This is a bit annoying.
So I definitely have to make reloading of code a priority. Another weird thing is that for some reason, loading of scripts or images never gets done on the spot, but rather when the _onInit function returns. But only inside the composer. When I export the page, it works spotlessly, as seen below;